Verbal Intelligence Test for ISSB, CSS, Initial Test of Army, Navy, Air Force. NTS, Entry Tests and Promotion Exams

1. Click the Right Answer?
2 + 5 = 7
3+ 6 = 10
4 + 7 = 13
5 + 8 = ?


2. If some Wheels are blinds and some blinds are Machines, then some Wheels are definitely Machines?


3. 598, 576, 554, ....... ?


4. Aslam is 4 times older than Akram and their current ages are 24 and 6 years. In how many years Aslam will be only 2 times older than Akram?


5. Choose the word that does not belong



6. Following two words can be formed from using letters of the word "TANKBUSTER"?



7. If 4 pens cost Rs 18, then what will be the cost of 6 pens?


8. ABC, GHI, MNO, .......


9. Click the Right Answer?
1 + 5 = 7
2 + 6 = 11
3 + 7 = 14
4 + 8 = ?


10. Aslam is 6 times older than Akram and their current ages are 12 and 2 years. In how many years Aslam will be only 2 times older than Akram?


11. If all Flies are Birds and all birds are crows, then?


12. If some carpets are curtains and some curtains are bed sheets, then some carpets are definitely bed sheets?



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