ISSB Mechanical Aptitude Test - 3

1. Which weight can slide down most easily?

2. Weight A, B, C and D are equal in size. Which winch can be most easily operated to lift the weight?

3. What would be the current flowing from point "X", if another power source is attached as shown?

4. Which vehicle/s cannot reverse due to direction of their rear wheels?

5. Which bottle is heaviest?

6. On which black pole the weight pushes harder?

7. If Cog D turns anti clockwise, which other cogs turn anticlockwise?

8. At which point the pendulem speed will be maximum?

9. Weight A, B, C and D are equal in size. Which winch is most difficult to operate to lift the weight?

10. If Switch "A and B" is switched on, which bulbs will be lit?

11. What would be the current flowing from point "X", if R2 is removed?

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